Touristic guidebook - Welcome to Smolensk region
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Cultural heritage

Memorial "Katyn"

 Memorial "Katyn"

214034, Russia, Smolensk region,
Smolensk district, Gnyozdovo, Kozji Gory,
Tel. (0812) 68-35-32, 68-32-72,
Fax (0812) 38-02-13

The Memorial «Katyn», created by two countries – Russia and Poland, – was opened solemnly in 28 July 2000. It is the first international memorial in Russia to the victims of totalitarian repression. It is situated in 20 km to the West of Smolensk in Katyn forest.

Here in 1940 more than 4000 thousand Polish military men were shot and buried by the organs of NKVD. Here most shot in Smolensk during the time of repression in 30–40 years soviet citizens were buried.

The Memorial is done in the style of neomodernizm and is unique in its impression on visitors.

The Memorial consisting of Polish military cemetery and Russian burial place mounted in religious traditions of two nations.

The excursion services are free of pay and are organized from 900 to 1700 both in the territory of the Memorial and in the museum. Applications for excursions are on the tel.: (0812) 68-35-24, 38-46-93.

The Memorial welcomes visitors from 900 to 1900 in wintertime and from 900 to 2100 in summer time without days-off..

Memorial "Katyn"

Memorial "Katyn"

 Memorial "Katyn"

 Memorial "Katyn"

Memorial "Katyn"

Memorial "Katyn"

Memorial "Katyn"

Memorial "Katyn"


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