Touristic guidebook - Welcome to Smolensk region
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Cultural heritage

Sraso-preobrazhenskij monastery

Russia, 216500, the Smolensk region, Roslavl, Proletarskaja St., 52
Tel. (08134) 4-11-31, 4-23-58

The monastery is situated in the centre of Roslavl. There is information that it had existed up to 1560. The architectural ensemble of the monastery changed many times, suffering from fires and destructions, but its silhouette sill makes an impression. What has remained is: the northeastern part of the Smolensk fortress wall, one corner tower, the building of the Orthodox Gymnasium, the building of the former ecclesiastical school and the hermit's block. Pilgrims often visit the monastery. They are offered a guide and hot meal..


Sraso-preobrazhenskij monastery

 Sraso-preobrazhenskij monastery

 Sraso-preobrazhenskij monastery


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